2022 President’s Message
Welcome to bowling season 2022.
It is a great honour to be elected as your president for the coming year.
I think you would all agree that we are extremely fortunate to have a group of people who do a great job of running the club behind the scenes along with our green team who ensure we have a bowling green to be proud of.
I would like to thank Eunice, Keith and Rodney for making the tour possible in organising it all.
My charity this year will be Guide Dogs for the Blind which I think is a very worthy cause that can help change people’s lives for the better.
Any contributions will be gratefully received.
My tour this year is to the county of Somerset and we will be based at Weston-Super-Mare.
I sincerely hope that everyone will have a fun packed time and enjoyable break.
I wish you all well in competitions you enter but most of all enjoy yourselves off and on the green.
Kind regards,
Cliff Moore